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Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us…

We have created and will add new features in the future to The Wine Bistro website(s). If you wish to use these features, you may be asked to share certain information with us. We respect your right to privacy and want you to know why we may ask for information and what happens to it after it is collected.

When you send email to The Wine Bistro or provide reviews and feedback via forms on our website…

We are collecting only the data you share with us in completing the form and do not share your data with any third party. Your email is routed immediately to the person responsible for answering inquiries from the website and we will not post submitted reviews without assuring that you have checked off the box giving us permission to do so. We use reasonable precautions to keep the personal information you disclose to us secure.

General Privacy…

From time to time, you may find links on our site to outside parties’ sites. We cannot control their privacy policies and can only recommend that if privacy is of concern to you that you seek out and read their privacy statements prior to disclosing any personal information while visiting these sites.